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2017/09/26(火) 13:00 ~ 20:00

グローバルビジネスハブ東京 (大手町フィナンシャルシティ グランキューブ3F, 1丁目9-2 , 千代田区大手町, 東京都, 100-0004, Japan)

[主催] Net Service Ventures

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    • Net Service Ventures FinTech Forum 2017


    • ¥8,000
    • -


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13:00-13:30 受付開始
13:30-13:40 開催のご挨拶
13:40-14:00 シリコンバレー投資環境とマイクロVCの台頭 (NSV)
14:00-14:30 FinTechのグローバル情勢(世界経済フォーラム)
14:30-16:30 ファイヤーサイド・チャット(マイクロVCメンバー、NSV
16:30-1700 フィンテックの進化とグローバル市場における規制環境の今後について(マイクロVCメンバー、MHM)
17:00-17:50 パネルディスカッション(予定)
17:50-18:00 質疑応答
18:00-20:00 懇親会 

FinTech is changing the global markets, affecting not only financial institutions but also all facets of economic activities and its players. Silicon Valley has been at the epicenter of innovation for the past 50 years, and FinTech is becoming one of the hottest innovation domains in its history. 

Like all innovation markets, FinTech is a chaotic one with thousands of startups rushing into the space attracting tens of billions of Venture Capital (VC) investments to create the “next big thing”. In order to identify newly forming trends and new business models brewing in the chaos, we believe following the investment activities of VCs can shed light into the future of FinTech.

It is not well known outside of Silicon Valley that VC funds that make early stage investments have changed over the past 10 years. As the traditional VCs that invested into Hewlett Packard and Apple grew larger and larger over the years, they shifted their investment to later stages of the game. As a result, a new generation of small−scale VCs called “Micro VCs” came into existence and there are now more than 300 such funds that got formed in the past decade. It is these new players that are doing more than 70% of the deals in the early−stage innovation scenes.

In order to share such knowledge and insights with Japanese financial institutions and corporations, Net Service Ventures will bring a crew of Micro VC partners to Tokyo. They invest heavily into FinTech and are exposed to the bleeding-edge of its innovation scenes. We strongly believe that our Japanese audience will get a first-hand look into the closed ecosystem of Silicon Valley and what’s the VCs have in their minds about the future of FinTech.

Agenda (tentative)
1:00-1:30 Registration
1:30-1:40 Opening remarks
1:40-2:00 Opening presentation “State of Silicon Valley investment scenes and the rise of the Micro VCs” (NSV)
2:00 – 2:30 Keynote Presentation “State of global FinTech” (World Economic Forum)
2:30 – 4:30 Fireside Chat (Micro VC and NSV partners)
4:30 – 5:00 The Future Of FinTech Innovation And Regulatory Environment In The Global Markets (Micro VC/ MHM)
5:00 – 5:50 Panel Discussion (tentative)
5:50 – 6:00 Q&A
6:00 – 8:00 Reception

 登壇者略歴/Speaker Profile

ジェシー・マクウォータース(R. Jesse McWaters
世界経済フォーラム, 破壊的金融イノベーションプロジェクトリーダー
R. Jesse McWaters leads the World Economic Forum’s exploration of fintech and financial innovation. His work focuses on bringing together senior financial services executives, leading fintech players, and global regulators to understand how new technologies and innovative new entrants are transforming the competitive dynamics of the global financial ecosystem. He is the co-author of the World Economic Forum’s groundbreaking “Future of Financial Services” report which charted a taxonomy of fintech innovation, and more recently published in-depth explorations into the potential of blockchain (“The Future of Financial Infrastructure”) and the digitization of identity (“A Blueprint for Digital Identity”) to revolutionize financial services.

(Eric Wiesen)
Bullpen Capital, ジェネラル・パートナー
ウィージン氏は、RRE Ventureでのジェネラル・パートナーの経験を経て、2015年にBullpenに参画。金融サービス、コンスーマ製品・製造、マーケティング・テクノロジー、及び次世代のコンピュータ・インターフェースなどに焦点を当てて活躍中である。彼の2社のスタートアップ(3Dグラフィクスのハードウェアと、エンタープライズERP)のファウンダーであり、その時の経験が現在の投資哲学とアプローチの基礎となっている。彼は弁護士でもあり、シリコンバレーの法律事務所Fenwick & Westでの経験も有する。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校学士、ミシガン大学法学学士、コロンビア大学MBAを有し、学士在籍中、ホワイトハウス・インターンシップの経験も持つ。
Eric joined Bullpen in 2015 from RRE Ventures, where he was a General Partner. Current areas of focus include financial services and technology, consumer products and manufacturing, marketing technology and next-generation computer interfaces. Much of his investing philosophy and approach is informed by his experiences as a two-time founder, first in the 3D Graphics hardware space and later in the enterprise software/ERP sector. Eric is also an attorney, and practiced in the corporate group at Fenwick & West in Silicon Valley. As an undergraduate, he was an intern in the only very famous White House internship class. Eric holds a B.A. from U.C. Berkeley, a J.D. from the University of Michigan and an MBA from Columbia.

Josh Diamond
Clocktower Technology Ventures, プリンシパル
ダイアモンド氏は、Clocktower Venturesで案件ソーシング・実行をリードする他ファンドに関する全ての面に於いて貢献している。クロックタワー以前には、Drobny Capitalの参謀を務め、イペント運営のリーダーとして従事。デューク大学軍事史学士、カリフォニア大学ロサンゼルス校法学部共同学位プログラム修了。現在2匹の犬たちとカリフォルニア在住。
Josh leads Clocktower Technology Ventures sourcing and execution efforts and contributes to all aspects of the fund’s activities. He is also a principal leader of Drobny Capital’s events practice. Previously Josh served as Chief of Staff to Steve Drobny. Josh holds a BA in Military History from Duke University and a JD from the UCLA. School of Law. Josh lives in Venice with his two dogs.

Alex Acree)
Fenway Summer Ventures, マネージング・ディクター&ジェネラル・カウンセル
アクリー氏は、金融機関と投資ファンドへのアドバイザリーに加え、スタートアップでの要職を歴任してきた幅広い経験を持つ。Fenway Summer Venturesに参画以前は、Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLPで弁護士として従事。金融機関に対し、企業間協業、組織改善、資本市場取引、Dodd-Frank法実施、企業統治、コンプライアンスなど幅広い分野における法律・規制アドバイスを行った。また、プライベート投資ファンドの設立・運営に関してのアドバイスを提供してきた。キャリアの初期段階においてはスタートアップでの要職を歴任し、財務モデリング、予算立案、事業開発、戦略立案などを担当してきた。アクリー氏は、ボストン大学から栄誉学位を受け、イェール大学ロースクールからJ.D.(法務博士)、同大学経営学部からMBAを取得。イェール大学時代には、経済的に恵まれない地域に新銀行を立ち上げる活動の責任者を努めた
Alex brings to Fenway Summer Ventures significant experience advising financial institutions and investment funds and holding senior leadership positions in early-stage companies.  Immediately prior to joining the company, Alex was an attorney at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, where he advised financial institutions on a wide range of legal and regulatory matters in connection with business combinations, reorganizations and capital markets transactions, Dodd-Frank Act implementation, corporate governance and compliance issues. Alex also regularly advised sponsors in connection with the formation and management of private investment funds.  Earlier in his career, Alex held a series of senior positions at early-stage companies, with responsibilities including financial modeling, budgeting, business development, strategy, and operations.  Alex is a summa cum laude graduate of Boston College and holds a J.D. from Yale Law School and an MBA from Yale School of Management, where he focused on corporate finance and operations.   While at Yale, Alex was a director of a student clinic that helped to launch a denovo bank to serve financially underserved communities around New Haven, CT.

Todd Kimmel
Montage Ventures, マネージング・パートナー
キメル氏は、Montage Venturesのファウンダー及びマネージング・パートナーである。Montage Venturesは、金融、eコマース、保険、ヘルスケアなど分野において、シードステージのスタートアップに投資を行っている。これまで投資した30社のスタートアップの内、21社がフォローオン投資を受け、12社が$10Mを超える年商を得ている。キメル氏は、投資家であるとともに連続起業家でもあり、これまで異なる3つの業界(オプティカルネットワーク、バイオ燃料、ヘルスケア融資)で3社のスタートアップ(Innovance Networks, Coskata, Parasail)を立ち上げた実績を持つ。キメル氏は、これまでになかった思考で斬新なアイデアを実現でき得る才能あるスタートアップを支援することに熱意を持ち、現在、数々の有望なスタート・アップが適正なリスクを取りながら急成長を目指せるよう指導に当たっている。キメル氏は、アムハースト大学歴史学科学士を修得している。また、ニューヨーク市のスポーツファンでもある。
Todd is the Founder and Managing Partner of Montage Ventures, a venture capital firm actively investing in the financial services, e-Commerce, marketplaces and healthcare start-ups.  Montage Ventures is a leading seed stage venture capital firm that has helped secure follow-on financing for 21 out of its current 30 active portfolio companies with 12 out of the 30 active at $10 million + revenue run rates. Todd is a repeat entrepreneur and experienced venture investor that has started three companies (Innovance Networks, Coskata, Parasail) across three different industries (optical networking, biofuels, healthcare lending) while helping to fund and support many others over the past decade as a venture capitalist. Todd is passionate about early-stage start-ups and has witnessed first-hand the innovation and product excellence that can be achieved when a group of talented entrepreneurs join together to disrupt the way something is currently done.  Todd is active with his entrepreneurs and portfolio company executives and typically serves as an extension of the founding team...helping them with the connections and guidance they need early on to both accelerate and de-risk their business plans.  Todd received a B.A. in History from Amherst College and is a loyal and proud NYC sports fan.

増島 雅和 (ますじま まさかず)
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati パルアルトオフィスで執務(2006年~2007年)、金融庁監督局保険課及び同局銀行第一課(課長補佐)(2010年~2012年)、経済産業省「ブロックチェーン検討会」委員、内閣府IT総合戦略室シェアリングエコノミー検討会委員(2016年)等を歴任。金融規制対応、金融機関のM&A 業務を中心に、VCファンド組成やスタートアップの資金調達などを手掛ける。近時の著書として、『FinTechの法律』(日経BP社2017年)、「ブロックチェーン技術と銀行業務」(地銀協月報2016年)ほか。東京大学法学部、コロンビア大学ロースクール卒業。
Masakazu (Masa) Masujima is a partner at Mori Hamada & Matsumoto. Masa represents various financial institutions through fund creation, private equity financing and acquisition financing as well as variety of M&A transactions involving financial institutions. In addition, Masa represents venture capital firms and help them form partnership funds and undertake venture financing. He also worked at Financial Services Agency of Japan from 2010 to 2012 as legal and compliance group head of Insurance Business Division and deputy director at Banks Division I.  Before joining FSA, Masa worked at Silicon Valley law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati in 2006 and 2007.He is a member of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Blockchain Investigation Committee and a member of the Sharing Economy Investigation Committee of the Cabinet Office’s Comprehensive IT Strategy Investigation Office.  His recent publications include “Laws on FinTech” (Nikkei BP, 2017) and “Blockchain Technology and Changes in Banking Operations” (Regional Banks Association Monthly Report, 2016).  Masa is admitted to the Bar in Japan and State Bar of New York. He holds LL.M in Columbia Law School and LL.B in University of Tokyo.

藤井達人 (ふじい たつと)
三菱UFJフィナンシャル・グループ デジタルイノベーション推進部

IBMにてメガバンクの基幹系開発、インターネットバンキングのプロジェクト立上げ、金融機関向けコンサルティング業務に従事。その後、Microsoftを経て、三菱UFJフィナンシャル・グループのイノベーション事業に参画し、フィンテック導入のオープンイノベーションを担当。日本におけるフィンテックシーンの黎明期より携わり、「Fintech Challenge」「MUFG Digitalアクセラレータ」「銀行APIハッカソン」等の設立を主導。メガバンクにおけるイノベーション活動をリードし、フィンテック導入の礎を築いた。また、スタートアップへの出資、APIやブロックチェーン等の新規事業等の立上げも手がける。金融革新同友会「FINOVATORS」創立メンバー。
Tatsuto Fujii leads open innovation team in the division since 2014. He also established the start-up accelerator “MUFG Fintech Accelerator” and “MUFG APIs” based in Tokyo. He is also a member of “FINOVATORS”, a pro bono based mentors group based in Tokyo by fintech specialists aimed at forming fintech ecosystem with fintech start-ups, FIs, regulators, academics, IT companies, so on. He previously spent over 15 years with the consulting team at Microsoft and IBM, where he provided consulting services regarding IT strategy for large financial institutions and regional banks. MUFG is one of the world’s leading financial groups, with total assets of approximately $2.3 trillion USD as of June 30, 2015. Its services include corporate banking, commercial banking, retail banking, wealth management, investment banking, capital markets, personal and corporate trust, and transaction banking.

佐藤貴史 (さとう たかし)
MS&ADインシュアランスグループホールディングス株式会社 ICTイノベーション室 シリコンバレー駐在 副部長
佐藤氏は、2003年に損害保険合弁会社の立ち上げを実施(インド駐在)、2006年には人事部にてグローバル人材育成プログラムを立ち上げ、2009年にはMS&ADグループ発足に伴いグループ会社の統合プロジェクトを統率し、現在MS&AD インシュアランスグループホールディグス株式会社総合企画部ICTイノベーション室副部長・初代シリコンバレー駐在員として、MS&ADグループとシリコンバレーインナーサークルとの連携に携わっている。
Takashi Sato was in charge of establishing the insurance venture company in India in 2003, launched the global human resource development program in 2006, and led the group integration project as the company established MS&AD group in 2009.  He is currently working on the engagement with Silicon Valley Inner Circle as the first Silicon Valley expatriate of MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Corporate Planning ICT Innovation.

運営メンバー (Net Service Ventures)

Hiroshi is a Japanese engineer who saw his analog film business get disrupted by digital technology. This life-turning event moved him to Silicon Valley, where he has been consulting Japanese blue-chip companies and investing into Silicon Valley startups for more than 25 years.

Richard Melmon
Richard is a Silicon Valley-native who co-founded Electronic Arts and Bullpen Capital, where he now serves as Partner Emeritus. He was also involved in the early days of Apple and Intel and worked with the legends of Silicon Valley.

ダン・キマーリング(Dan Kimerling)

キマーリング氏は、シリコンバレー銀行のAPIバンキング、オープン・プラットフォーム、及びR&Dのヘッドとして新しい製品の考案と開発に従事。またシリコンバレー銀行のサービスを世界展開する役を果たし、米国初の公開APIバンキング・プラットフォームのリリースにも携わった。また、シリコンバレーの著名アクセラレーターであるY Combinator発のStandard TreasuryをCEOとして協同創業。同社は金融業界に対しAPIソリューションを提供するリーダー的スタートアップとして、American Bankerが選ぶ2014年の注目テクノロジー企業10社として選出された。キマーリングの金融業界における実績も評価されており、Forbes誌による2015年「Forbes’ 30 under 30」にも選出された。キマーリングはシカゴ大学Booth奨学金を受け、同校のビジネススクールのアナリティック・ファイナンスを優等学位で修了、AB/AMの学位を取得。また、キマリング氏は、シカゴ大学Bay Clubの役員を務めるほか、Computer History Museumの顧問でもある。妻と犬達と共にサンフランシスコ在住。
Daniel Kimerling joined Net Service Ventures in 2017 to lead the strategic fund-of-fund’s investment role. Prior to joining Net Service Ventures, Kimerling wastheHeadofAPIBanking,openplatformandR&DatSiliconValleyBank. In this role he leads the ideation and development of new products, services, and offeringsforthebank'scustomersworldwide.Heco-ledthebank'sreleaseofthefirst publicAPIbankingplatformintheUnitedStates. He was the co-founder and CEO. Standard Treasury - a Y Combinator company - was the leading provider of API solutions to the financial services community and was named one of the 10 technology companies to watch by American Banker in 2014. Because of his work on bringing cutting edge technology to banks, Dan was named to the 2015 Forbes' 30 under 30list. Dan holds an A.B. & A.M. with Honors from the University of Chicago and studied Analytic Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business under a Booth Scholarsscholarship.He is a member of the executive committee of the University of Chicago Bay Club and is a member of the NextGen Advisory Board at the Computer History Museum. He lives with his wife and their dogs in SanFrancisco. 

加藤氏はソニーでVAIO PCの企画職などを努めたあと、マッキンゼーを経てシリコンバレーのイノベーション領域におけるキャリアにスイッチ。10年に亘り新規事業コンサルティングや、ファンド組成に従事したことに加え、サンフランシスコに拠点を置くスタートアップデータベースのVenture Scannerを共同創業。
Masami is an ex-Sony product guy who shifted his career to Silicon Valley after gaining the tradecraft of consulting at McKinsey. He has lead numerous innovation consulting projects, raised capital for NSV’s fund activities, and co-founded Venture Scanner.


開始日時:2017/09/26(火) 13:00

終了日時:2017/09/26(火) 20:00




東京都 千代田区大手町 1丁目9-2 大手町フィナンシャルシティ グランキューブ3F



Net Service Ventures