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FIN/SUM2025:Fintech Summit(フィンサム)

丸ビルホール、丸ビルコンファレンススクエア、マルキューブほか (2-4-1丸ビル1・7・8階, 千代田区丸の内, 東京都, 103-0022, Japan)

[主催] 日本経済新聞、金融庁 Nikkei.Inc, The Financial Services Agency Japan (JFSA)

お申し込みはこちら チケットの申込方法


    • 種類
    • 金額(税込)
    • 枚数
    • 早割り来場チケット =一般= Early-bird Admission ticket =General=
      ・イベント期間中、会場内では軽食や飲み物をご用意します。また、丸ビルおよび周辺施設にあるワーキングスブースなどの施設および丸ビルのTSUTAYA BOOKSTORE MARUNOUCHIのシェアラウンジを一定時間、無料でご利用いただけます。

      ・Special early bird discount from a regular price of 30,000 yen.
      ・You can participate in all public sessions at the venue.
      ・All sessions have simultaneous interpretation in Japanese and English.
      ・During the event, there will be light snacks and drinks available at the venue. We will have drinks available. We will also have a share of facilities such as working booths in the Marunouchi Building and surrounding facilities, as well as TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE MARUNOUCHI SHARE LOUNGE in the Marunouchi Building. You can use the lounge for free for a certain period of time.
      ・After the event, you can participate in the evening party held in the Marunouchi Building.
      ・Events can be found in the archives of each session You can watch it for 1 month from about 1 week after it ends.
    • ¥10,000
    • 早割り来場チケット =1DAY= Early-bird Admission ticket =1DAY=


      ・Special early bird discount from a regular price of 10,000 yen. (Valid until Feb. 24)
      ・Valid for one day during the event period, you can participate in all public sessions on that day at the venue.

      ・Other details are the same as a general ticket.
    • ¥5,000
    • 来場チケット=スタートアップ= Admission ticket =for startups=

      ・This is a discount ticket exclusively for startups who have been in business for less than 10 years.
      ・Other details are the same as general ticket.
    • ¥7,000
    • 来場チケット=学生= Admission ticket =for student=


      ・Applicable only to current active students from educational institutions. You will need to present your certificate at the reception.
      ・You cannot use the shared lounge with this ticket.

      ・Other details are the same as general ticket.
    • 無料
    • 来場チケット=学術= Admission ticket =for academia=


      ・Applicable only to current active staffs from academic institutions. You will need to present your certificate at the reception.
      ・You cannot use the shared lounge with this ticket.

      ・Other details are the same as a general ticket.
    • 無料
    • 来場チケット=公務= Admission ticket =for public affairs=


      ・Applicable only to active civil servants and politicians. You will need to present your certificate at the reception.
      ・You cannot use the shared lounge with this ticket.

      ・Other details are the same as a general ticket.
    • 無料
    • アーカイブ視聴チケット  Archive viewing ticket
      ・You can watch all sessions in the archives for 1 month from about 1 week after the event ends. But you cannot come the venue.
    • 無料


チケットの購入後、「マイチケット」ページ に “領収書データ表示” という ボタンが表示されますので、そちらから領収書データを表示し、必要に応じて印刷をしてください 。



Nikkei and the Financial Services Agency will hold FIN/SUM2025 at the Marunouchi Building from March 4 to 7, 2025.

Application Period
Venue ticket:Until 18:00 Mar.7
Archive ticket :Until  April 13

Event program & timetable
Please check official website

1.ご記入いただいた個人情報は本イベントの協賛企業に提供する場合があります。 個人情報の取り扱いについては、チケット登録画面に詳細を記載しております。

Important notes

1.Names and e-mail addresses of ticket holders may be offered to the platinum or gold sponsors of the event for their public relations purpose.
2.Organizers will record the event and use the recorded materials for the public relations purpose
3.Tickets are non-refundable.

For inquiries: Please click here.



東京都 千代田区丸の内 2-4-1丸ビル1・7・8階


日本経済新聞、金融庁 Nikkei.Inc, The Financial Services Agency Japan (JFSA)

フィンテックという言葉が使われはじめて約10年がたちました。その成果がようやく実を結び始めています。生成AI(人工知能)が契機となり、金融界では本業(コアビジネス)での活用が進み出しましたプラス金利や個人投資家による証券投資の増加という経営環境にも支えられ、金融機関は収益面に貢献する最新技術の導入に本格的に 乗り出している。3月4~7日のフィンサム2025では、「“真のマネタイズ”に挑む、次世代フィンテック」をテーマに、デジタル資産、資産運用立国、地方創生などに向けたフィンテックの役割などを4日間、徹底的に議論します。