☆The first 50 people will recruit monitors ☆
For this day only,foreigners can borrow English earphone guides free of charge.
However,please prepare 1000 yen in Japanese yen as a deposit.
In addition,it is condition to have you answers a simple questionnarie.Please send your name to the address below
if you wish. I will reply the result within a few days.
2019/06/01(土) 18:00 (JST)
" THE 70th KYOTO TAKIGI-NOH first day " - the most beautiful takigi-noh in the world-
2018/06/02(土) 18:00 (JST)
"KYOTO TAKIGI-NOH the 2nd day" the most beautiful takigi-noh in the world
2018/06/01(金) 18:00 (JST)
”KYOTO TAKIGI-NOH first day” the most beautiful takigi-noh in the world