2024/10/08(火) 16:59 更新
「JX Live!2024」来場の際のご案内
いよいよ明日、JX Live!2024の開催となります!受付開始は12:30~となっております。
経営者・政治家・有識者達が真正面から議論する4つのラウンドテーブル、JX Awards表彰式、JX Challenge、パーティーなど注目コンテンツ満載です!
2024/10/01(火) 14:02 更新
「JX Live!2024」JX Awards2024 受賞者が決定!!
10月9日の新経連ビッグイベント「JX Live!2024」が目前に迫ってまいりました。
そして今回は「JX Awards2024」*受賞者の皆様をご紹介させていただきます!
【JX Awards2024 受賞者】
・古賀 大貴(Oishii Farm 共同創業者兼CEO)

2024/09/17(火) 10:54 更新
JX Live!2024 ~経営・政治のリーダーと考える日本の未来ビジョン~
Event Overview
JX Live! 2024 - Envisioning Japan's Future with Business and Political Leaders
※English follows
今年も新経済連盟は周年イベントである「JX Live!」を開催します。
今年は「JX(Japan Transformation )」* の実現に向けた必須テーマとして、「日本の国力を高めるグランドデザイン戦略」「『AI強国』に向けた戦略」「アントレプレナーシップ教育の実現」「日本の脱炭素成長戦略」を議論、海外ゲスト(予定)を含む第一線の経営者・政治家・専門家たちが真正面から議論を繰り広げます。
昨年のJX Live!の参加者から「斬新」「臨場感がある」と大好評だったLive形式で今年も開催!
また、JX Live!当日には、JXに貢献し、次世代をリードする起業家に贈る「JX Awards」の表彰式を実施。昨年大盛況だった『自社PRタイム』も、本年は新たに『JXチャレンジ』として生まれ変わり、ジャッジチームと会場参加者の前で自社PRをしていただき、最優秀者を選出いたします。
いま、東京で最もエネルギーを感じさせるビジネスエリア・虎ノ門で開催する「 JX Live! 」に、是非ご参加ください!
■会場:虎ノ門ヒルズフォーラム (5F メインホール)
■主催:一般社団法人 新経済連盟
JX Live! 2024 の詳細につきましては、イベントサイトをご覧ください。
[E-mail] info@jane.or.jp [電話] 050-5835-0770
The Japan Association of New Economy (JANE) will host its annual event, "JX Live!" This year's event will focus on essential themes for realizing "JX (Japan Transformation)"*, including "Grand Design Strategy to Enhance Japan's Power," "Strategy for Becoming an AI Powerhouse," "Realizing Entrepreneurship Education," and "Decarbonization Growth Strategy for Japan." Top executives, politicians, and experts, including international guests (TBC), will engage in in-depth discussions.
Following the highly acclaimed "live" format from last year's JX Live!, which participants praised as "innovative" and "immersive," this year's event will also feature speakers at a central round table, surrounded by attendees who can experience cutting-edge discussions live. JANE aims to widely disseminate its policy messages for revitalizing the Japanese economy and strengthen the community of those who resonate with JANE's vision.
Additionally, on the day of JX Live!, we will hold the "JX Awards" ceremony to honor entrepreneurs who contribute to JX and lead the next generation. The popular "Company PR Time" from last year will be reborn as the "JX Challenge," where participants will present their companies in front of a judging team and attendees, with the best presenter being selected.
We will also host a unique party, characteristic of Japan's newest economic organization. With a total of 400 participants, you can enjoy networking and exchanging information with drinks and light snacks in a completely free dress code environment.
Join us at "JX Live!" in Toranomon, Tokyo's most vibrant business area!
*JX(Japan Transformation) ; In 2022, JANE launched a new activity guideline to mark its 10th anniversary. It declares that entrepreneurs with the foresight to see the future will take the lead and unite their strengths to transform Japan.
Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 13:15 - 19:00
Doors Open: 12:30Venue: Toranomon Hills Forum (5F Main Hall)
Organizer: Japan Association of New Economy (JANE)
Event Website: https://nest.jane.or.jp/jxlive2024 (Japanese)
Notice:For more details about JX Live! 2024, please visit the event website.
Dress Code
・No specific dress code
・We encourage casual attire and kindly ask you to avoid suits, white shirts, and ties. Jeans and T-shirts are welcome. JX Live! 2024 event T-shirts will also be available, so please feel free to wear them.
Photography and Interviews
・The event will be photographed and filmed by media outlets, and participants may be interviewed. Your image may appear in online videos, post-event advertisements, and various media publications.
Handling of Information
・Personal information provided will be used for the operation of this event and for various announcements from JANE, managed appropriately according to JANE's privacy policy. Information may be shared with event sponsors in a non-identifiable form. https://jane.or.jp/privacy-policy/ (Japanese)
For inquiries, please contact:
・Email: info@jane.or.jp
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