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【TGS2024】ビジネスデイ事前登録/ TGSフォーラム2024|Advance Registration for Business Day/TGS Forum 2024

幕張メッセ / Makuhari Messe (2-1, 千葉市美浜区中瀬 (Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city), 千葉県, 261-0023, Japan)

[主催] TOKYO GAME SHOW Management Office

お申し込みはこちら チケットの申込方法

お一人様合計 1 枚まで

合計 枚まで申込可能


    • 抽選チケット
    • 金額(税込)
    • 枚数
    • お一人様1枚まで




      If you do not wish to participate in the TGS Forum (In-Person Seminar), please do not make any selections in the time table on the next page and press the [Next] button at the bottom right.
      This ticket is subject to review.
      After you register on this form, we will contact you at your registered e-mail address with the results of the screening.
      Payment of the pre-registration fee is only required for those who have passed the screening.
      *Please note that the procedure will be completed after you are notified of the screening results.

    • ¥11,000
    • お一人様1枚まで




      If you do not wish to participate in the TGS Forum (In-Person Seminar), please do not make any selections in the time table on the next page and press the [Next] button at the bottom right.
      This ticket is subject to review.
      After you register on this form, we will contact you at your registered e-mail address with the results of the screening.
      Payment of the pre-registration fee is only required for those who have passed the screening.
      *Please note that the procedure will be completed after you are notified of the screening results.

    • ¥27,500


チケットの購入後、「マイチケット」ページ に “領収書データ表示” という ボタンが表示されますので、そちらから領収書データを表示し、必要に応じて印刷をしてください 。


■ ビジネスデイ事前登録のご注意事項



■ ビジネスデイ事前登録の流れ

  • 事前登録コードをお持ちの方
  1. お手持ちの16桁の事前登録コード(プロモーションコード)を入力
  2. プロモーションコードを入力の上、〔適用〕ボタンをクリック
  3. TGSフォーラムタイムテーブルが表示されますので、リアル会場で、セッションの受講を希望される方は該当セッションを選択
  4. セッションの受講を希望しない場合は、タイムテーブル上で選択せず、〔次に進む〕をクリック
  5. 名刺情報、およびアンケートにご回答の上、申し込み
  6. 必要事項を完了後、マイページより、バッジを出力

  • 事前登録コードをお持ちでない方
    1.  チケット一覧より、抽選チケット→(事前登録コードをお持ちでない方)~のいずれかを選択
    2.  TGSフォーラムタイムテーブルが表示されますので、リアル会場で、セッションの受講を希望される方は該当セッションを選択
    3.  セッションの受講を希望しない場合は、タイムテーブル上で選択せず、〔次に進む〕をクリック
    4.  名刺情報、およびアンケートにご回答の上、応募完了
    5.  入力いただいた情報をもとに、事務局にて審査を実施し、後日登録いただいたメールアドレス宛に、審査結果をご連絡
    6.  審査通過(当選された)方は、マイページよりお支払い

◆公式WEBサイト:<日本語>東京ゲームショウ 2024 

*Pre-registration for the Business Day

*When pre-registering, please enter the correct information (name, company name, address, etc.) in person.
  It is not acceptable for someone else to enter the information on your behalf. 
*If you arrive on the day of the Business Day with incorrect information,
 we may not be able to verify your identity and you may be denied entry.
*Pre-registration for the Business Day is limited to persons in the gaming-related industry.
 Persons under 18 years of age and students are NOT eligible to register.
*Business Day visitor badges and Business Day GOLD Passes are non-transferable to others.
*The names of companies that have applied for the Business Day GOLD Pass
  may be published on the official website of TOKYO GAME SHOW 2024,
  on signs at the venue, and in visitor reports, etc., to the extent that individuals cannot be identified. 

Business Day Pre-Registration Process

*Pre-registration code holders
  1. Enter the 16-digit pre-registration code (promotion code).
  2. After entering the promotion code, click the "Apply" button.
  3. The TGS Forum timetable will be displayed.
  4. If you do not wish to attend a session at the TGS Forum, do not select it on the timetable and click [Next] .
  5. Complete the business card information and questionnaire, and then submit your application.
  6. After completing the required information, you will receive a badge from My Page.

*If you do not have a pre-registration code
 Attendance at TGS Business Day is limited to those in the game-related industry.
 Please note that persons in industries other than those listed above and persons under 18 years of age are not eligible to register.
          1. From the ticket list, select one of the following: Lottery tickets → (for those who do NOT have pre-registration code) -.
          2. The TGS Forum timetable will be displayed. If you wish to participate in-person seminar at the venue, select the session you wish to attend.
          3. If you do not wish to attend any of the sessions at the TGS Forum, do not make a selection on the timetable and click [Next].
          4. Complete the application by providing your business card information and answering the questionnaire.
          5. Based on the information you have entered, the secretariat will conduct a screening and contact you at a later date with the results of the screening to your registered e-mail address.
          6. If you pass the screening (you have been selected), you will be able to make payment from My Page.

◆Official Website: <EN>TOKYO GAME SHOW 2024 
          <CN>TOKYO GAME SHOW 2024


オフライン会場:幕張メッセ / Makuhari Messe

千葉県 千葉市美浜区中瀬 (Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city) 2-1



TOKYO GAME SHOW Management Office



●Inquiry from attendees
TOKYO GAME SHOW 2024 Information
*Inquiry on weekend and national holiday will be replied on the following business day.