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    • 【先着50名様限定の特別早割料金】Grand Early Bird Rate

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 355 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥39,600
    • -
    • 【2月28日までの特別早割料金】Super Early Bird Rate

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 473 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥52,800
    • -
    • 【2月28日までの特別早割料金】Super Early Bird Rate - Group Rate(4-7pax)

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 448 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥50,000
    • -
    • 【2月28日までの特別早割料金】Super Early Bird Rate - Table Rate(8 -more pax)

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 430 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥48,000
    • -
    • Student Rate

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 88 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥9,900
    • -
    • 【4月30日までの早割料金】Early Bird Rate

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 591 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥66,000
    • -
    • 【4月30日までの早割料金】Early Bird Rate - Group Rate(4-7pax)

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 562 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥62,700
    • -
    • 【4月30日までの早割料金】Early Bird Rate - Table Rate(8 -more pax)

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 532 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥59,400
    • -
    • Regular Rate

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 735 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥82,000
    • -
    • Regular Rate - Group Rate(4-7pax)

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 728 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥77,900
    • -
    • Regular Rate - Table Rate(8 -more pax)

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 661 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥73,800
    • -
    • Last minutes

      Sales Period Finished

      The amount is about 860 dollars for the US dollar.
      It fluctuates by a rate at the time of the settlement.
    • ¥96,000
    • -

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Event Description




 毎年好評をいただいているBootcampを行います。若くして成功した各社の事例やケーススタディなどから、自社に活かせるマーケティング戦略や市場について学びます。また、スタートアップ企業によるビジネスプレゼンテーションコンペ「Start-up Pitch」を行い、投資家や経営者、世界を代表するエグゼクティブによるコーチングの後、翌日のMain Conferenceにおいて最終選考(プレゼンテーション)を行います。
会場:株式会社マイナビ 竹橋オフィス(東京都千代田区)


 日本をはじめとする北東アジア、そして世界各国からオンラインの旅行業界のトップリーダーが一同に集結し、旅行業界の「今」を熱烈に議論する1-day Conferenceを開催いたします。

旅行者の予約はオフラインからオンライン、モバイル、そしてアプリへ変化を続け、今や旅行とITは切り離せなくなっています。その旅行業界と市場のトレンドについて、北東アジアをはじめとするアジアマーケットを中心に世界の視点で熱い議論が繰り広げられる「WIT JAPAN & NORTH ASIA 2017」にご期待ください。


WIT Japan returns to Tokyo for the fifth time, after four highly successful editions since 2012. WIT Japan is the local edition of the signature WIT Conference held in Singapore every October. In 2014, for the first time, the event expanded to include the wider North Asia region.

WIT Japan Bootcamp - held the day before, on June 8, where aspiring entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to participate to a pitch contest, and be heard by our panel of mentors and investors. Winners of the Bootcamp pitch contest will then be coached by industry veterans to prepare their 5-minute pitch at the June 9 WIT Japan Grand Final Pitch.
Venue: Mynavi Corporation (Chiyoda, Tokyo) 

WIT Japan main Conference - a one-day high-level conference bringing together the A-list of online travel movers and shakers from Japan, North Asia and around the world, to discuss the future of online travel.
Venue: The Westin Tokyo (Meguro,Tokyo)

Event Starts

Start Date:2017/06/08(Thu) (Time not yet determined)

End Date:2017/06/09(Fri) (Time not yet determined)


ウェスティンホテル東京/The Westin Tokyo (June 9)

東京都 目黒区三田 1-4-1

Organizer information

WIT JAPAN実行委員会事務局

日本市場のみならず北東アジアまで領域を広げた、日本では初めての オンライン旅行業界のカンファレンス、WIT (Web in Travel) JAPAN & NORTH ASIA を運営しています。