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【第24回】昭和ナイト in 渋谷 NEWLIGHT

2024/06/27(Thu) 18:00 -

渋谷MIYASHITA PARK North 3F 「NEW LIGHT」 (MIYASHITA PARK North 3F 301, 6-20-10, 渋谷区神宮前, 東京都, 150-0001, Japan)

[Host] 株式会社バルニバービ

Register here How to buy tickets
Available payment methods

    • Ticket Type
    • Amount (tax incl.)
    • Quantity
    • 【一般】入場チケット(ウェルカムドリンク付き)

      Sales Period Finished


      ADV. ¥2,500  (w/ tax)[w/ Welcome drink]
    • ¥2,500
    • -
    • 【DRINK/FOOD引換チケット】10枚セット

      Sales Period Finished


      Set of 10 drink and food exchange tickets
      Tickets costing 8,000 yen can be purchased for 7,000 yen with advance payment!
      *A separate admission ticket is required.

    • ¥7,000
    • -
    • 【VIP席】1予約6名様までの入場チケット込

      Sales Period Finished

      6名様分の入場チケット+Moët & Chandon1本+前菜盛り合わせ付き

      [VIP Seats] Up to 6 people can enter with one reservation.
      Admission ticket for 6 people + 1 bottle of Moët & Chandon + assorted appetizers
    • ¥42,000
    • -
    • 【フルコース付VIP席】18:00スタート

      Sales Period Finished


      <Starts at 18:00>VIP seats with full course dinner ¥18,000 (w/ tax)[w/ Free-flowing drinks]
      *Full course will be served on a large plate.
      (Appetizers, salads, cold appetizers, hot appetizers, pasta, wood-fired main dishes, desserts)
      *Free drinks do not include bottles.
      *Prices are per person. Reservations are accepted from 4 people.
    • ¥18,000
    • -
    • 【フルコース付VIP席】18:30スタート

      Sales Period Finished


      <Starts at 18:30>VIP seats with full course dinner ¥18,000 (w/ tax)[w/ Free-flowing drinks]
      *Full course will be served on a large plate.
      (Appetizers, salads, cold appetizers, hot appetizers, pasta, wood-fired main dishes, desserts)
      *Free drinks do not include bottles.
      *Prices are per person. Reservations are accepted from 4 people.
    • ¥18,000
    • -
    • 【フルコース付VIP席】19:00スタート

      Sales Period Finished


      <Starts at 19:00>VIP seats with full course dinner ¥18,000 (w/ tax)[w/ Free-flowing drinks]
      *Full course will be served on a large plate.
      (Appetizers, salads, cold appetizers, hot appetizers, pasta, wood-fired main dishes, desserts)
      *Free drinks do not include bottles.
      *Prices are per person. Reservations are accepted from 4 people.
    • ¥18,000
    • -

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Event Description

あの熱かった昭和の歌謡シーンが渋谷「NEW LIGHT」で蘇る。

口パクOK! 一緒にステージで歌い踊りたい出演者、大募集中!

開運DJもーちゃん®DJサトウヒロヒサ &スペシャルゲスト多数登場!

[近藤真彦]ギンギラギンにさりげなく/[フィンガー5]恋のダイアル5/[郷ひろみ] 2億4千万の瞳/[小泉今日子]なんってたってアイドル/[荒井由美]真夏の夜の夢/[松任谷由美] ルージュの伝言/[中森明菜]飾りじゃないのよ涙は/[田原俊彦]ごめんよ涙/[沢田研二]勝手に しやがれ/[西城秀樹]YONG MAN(YMCA)/[ラッツ&スター]め組のひと/[松田聖子]青い珊瑚 礁/[河合奈保子]スマイル・フォー・ミー/[伊藤咲子]きみ可愛いね/[山田邦子]さよならだけどさ よならじゃない/[KAN]愛は勝つ/[Wink]淋しい熱帯魚/[REBECCA]フレンズ/[本田美奈子] 1986年のマリリン/[渡辺美里]My Revolution/[萩原健一]Ah!Ha! ...and more!

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Event Starts

Start Date:2024/06/27(Thu) 18:00



東京都 渋谷区神宮前 6-20-10 MIYASHITA PARK North 3F 301

Organizer information



Attendees (347)