
EventRegist Co., Ltd.

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This event has ended.


2023/02/27(Mon) 09:00 -

Tokyo International Forum, 5-1 Marunouchi 3-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0005 (〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内3-5-1, 東京国際フォーラム, 100-0005)

[Host] Global event 2023 executive committee / グローバルイベント2023実行委員会

Register here How to buy tickets
Available payment methods

    • Ticket Type
    • Amount (tax incl.)
    • Quantity
    • Invester Ticket / 投資家チケット

      Sales Period Finished

      *Includes admission to special lounges
      *The sale is limited to 1000 participants

    • ¥60,000
    • -
    • Regular Ticket / 一般チケット

      Sales Period Finished

    • ¥20,000
    • -
    • Student Ticket / 学生チケット

      Sales Period Finished

    • ¥2,000
    • -
    • Online Ticket / オンラインチケット

      Sales Period Finished

    • Free
    • -

You can view receipt data for this event.

After ordering your ticket(s), a "Show Receipt data" button will appear on your "My Tickets" page. From here you can either display the receipt data or print it out when needed.

Event Description

The Global Event 2023 Executive Committee will hold the first City-Tech.Tokyo, an event that aims to realize a sustainable society with startups through open innovation, in February of this year.
With the goal of hosting 10,000 people from 100 cities in 30 countries and regions and having 300 startup booths, the idea is to create a venue for concrete collaboration and expanded investment in infrastructure, the environment, and other areas that will lead to a fresh vision for cities by utilizing a variety of ideas and technologies. The event will also include a pitch contest with a top prize of 10 million yen to determine the City-Tech No.1 startup, and will host business meetings between the decision makers of Japanese companies and high-level startups from Japan and abroad.


■For Online Ticket / How to access the online webinar page.

1. First login to EventRegist and access the "My Tickets" page.

2. From the upcoming events, please select "City-Tech.Tokyo".

3. Click the link "Go to Webinar page".
 *Or you can click the link below and login with your email address! 
 Webinar page:

■Viewer's environment

The online sessions will be available via online streaming systems [enavle].
To use [enavle], you will need a device connected to the Internet. 

The web browser that is recommended to use [enavle]
 Google Chrome 89 or newer(PC)

Web browsers that support [enavle]
 Google Chrome 16 or newer (PC) / Firefox 11 or newer (PC) / Microsoft Edge 12 or newer (PC)
*Some functions may be restricted with Internet Explorer.

*If cookies are blocked, or your browser is set to private mode, you may not be able to view the video streamed.




■オンラインチケット / 当日の視聴方法
1. ご登録後、EventRegistにログインしたまま、マイチケット画面にアクセスしてください。

2. ご登録いただいた「City-Tech.Tokyo」のチケットを選択してください。

3. チケット内に表示される「視聴はこちら」のリンクにアクセスしてください。



enavle 推奨ウェブブラウザー
Google Chrome 89 以降 (PC)

enavle 対応ウェブブラウザー
Google Chrome 16 以降 (PC) / Firefox 11 以降 (PC) / Microsoft Edge 12 以降 (PC)


Event Starts

Start Date:2023/02/27(Mon) 09:00


Tokyo International Forum, 5-1 Marunouchi 3-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0005

東京国際フォーラム 〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内3-5-1

Organizer information

Global event 2023 executive committee / グローバルイベント2023実行委員会

Please contact the address below for inquiries