現在、海外にて実施しているMorningPitchへ日本の大企業の海外担当者をご案内するツアーとなります。MorningPitch India へのご参加はもちろん、その前後の日程で現地のスタートアップエコシステムに関わるプレイヤーとの面談を設定させて頂きます。
Morning Pitch is a platform hosted by Deloitte. This platform helps start-ups form business alliances and partnerships with large corporations, corporate venture capital, and venture capital firms. The theme of each Morning Pitch is defined in advance and changes monthly.
Morning Pitch is organized by Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support. The event originates from Japan where it has served as a similar platform for over four years, resulting in M&A’s and IPO’s.
Participating Startups:
Quick Ride: Quick Ride is a cross-platform mobile Ridesharing app designed and developed to bring the commuter’s together.
Road BounceRoadBounce is a patent-pending smartphone-based software that helps estimate Road Roughness and Driving Comfort. .This application is an efficient solution for government and private road authorities to measure road roughness. This innovative mobile app is used to improve road infrastructure around the world. This approach provides wider coverage of the road network at frequent intervals and collects uniform data to support strategic and network-level asset management decision making.
Parking RhinoFull-stack IoT-based platform designed to solve parking problems for Smart cities. Disruptive parking management & discovery for urban commuters, parking lot operators & owners, city planners & administrators.
TJ TyresTJ tyres is a NASA award-winning company which is focused on customer safety and convenience. Tj Tyres is focused on solving the issues related to safety and inconvenience with affordable innovation. Our award-winning technology BPPC is introduced and launched in the two-wheeler segment and now available in the market with various sizes. BPPC is worlds first Brust Preventive and Puncture Curative multi-chambered tubeless tyre which prevents bursts and cures punctures. The tyre provides users with extra comfort and safety.
2020/02/26(水) 11:00 (GMT+05:30)
Deloitte Morning Pitch India: Future of Mobility
2020/02/07(金) 09:45 (GMT+08:00)
Morning Pitch Singapore – EdTech
2020/02/07(金) 09:45 (GMT+08:00)
Morning Pitch Singapore Tour – EdTech