Event Description
「教室から世界一周!」プロジェクト/ (株)WTOC(ウトック)
WTOC - World Tour from Our Classroom –
ワークショップについてAbout the workshop
Junior high school students in Japan, Hong Kong and Mexico interact online and discuss "Dream City" where everyone would like to live. Let's draw our dream city divided into project groups while considering the good points and problems of your city such as environment, playground, school, shopping facilities, events, culture, transportation, connection with people, etc. After the group discussion, we make a presentation of our Dream City for each group. There is a special guest, Professor Rafael A. Balboa, PhD., a Mexican architect in Tokyo, give us advise and comments. The official languages are English and Japanese, mainly English. (On the day of the event, three support staff will be on hand to help with translation into Japanese and English. Students from overseas are Japanese learners.)
- 参加費 [Fee]
- 無料 [Free of charge]
- 対象年齢 [Target age group]
- 中学1〜3年生(13~15歳) [The 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade at junior high school students / 13-15 years old]
※ 当日は翻訳をサポートする進行スタッフ3名が入ります。英検準2〜3級程度の英語力のある方のご参加が望ましいですが、サポートもありますので、意欲のある方はぜひご応募ください。 * On the day of the event, three facilitators will be assigned to support the translation. It is desirable that participants have English proficiency at the level of EIKEN Grade Pre2 - Grade 3, but support will be provided, so please apply if you are motivated. - 保護者同伴 [Parental/guardian accompaniment]
- 保護者同伴の必要はありません。
[Parents and guardians are not required to accompany their children. ]
※ 原則はお子さまのみの参加で問題ありません。
ワークショップ中に「Zoom」の操作が必要となることがありますので、参加されるお子さまが「Zoom」の操作に慣れていない場合は保護者の方も同伴をお願いします。 * In principle, children can participate in the workshop by themselves. Participants may have to operate Zoom during the workshop; if the participant is not familiar with the application, we ask that parents or guardians accompany them. - 定員 [Maximum number of participants]
- 8名 [8]
- 英語対応 [Support in English]
- あり [Available]
準備物What to Prepare
We have outlined what to prepare for the online workshop below.
We ask that each participating family prepares in advance.
*Please watch the explanation video for how to create.
実施方法How to Participate
The online workshop will use the online video conferencing system Zoom.
Please install Zoom on your computer before participating. Please see here if you will be using Zoom for the first time.
下記以外の「注意事項」と「よくあるご質問」はこちらのページをご覧ください。Please see here for Notes and FAQs other than those listed below.