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5/11(土)シンポジウム「いま、なぜ民藝なのか?」 Symposium “Why Mingei, Why Now?”

2024/05/11(Sat) 17:00 - 20:00

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Event Description


 旧17:00~19:30 → 新17:00~20:00

柳宗悦、濱田庄司、河井寛次郎らが中心となって概念をつくり、1926年から日本で始まった民藝運動。2021年に柳宗悦没後60年を記念した「民藝の100年」展が東京国立近代美術館で開催されたほか、2023年には大阪中之島美術館を皮切りに「民藝MINGEI―美は暮らしのなかにある」展が巡回するなど、近年、民藝への関心は高 まりを見せています。一方、シアスター・ゲイツは民藝を文化的価値再考の象徴として捉え、黒人文化との融合を「アフロ民藝」というコンセプトを通して試みています。


小川 弘(株式会社東京かんかん代表)
鷺 珠江(河井寬次郎記念館学芸員)


* [Updated April 3] Please note that closing time will be changed as follows: from 17:00-19:30 to 17:00-20:00

Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation available

The Mingei movement, based on an idea conceived chiefly by Yanagi Soetsu, Hamada Shoji, and KawaiKanjiro, began in Japan in 1926. Recent years have seen growing interest in all matters Mingei, including a centennial exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, in 2021 coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the death of Yanagi Soetsu, and the 2023 touring exhibition MINGEI: The Beauty of Everyday Things, launched at the Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka.
Theaster Gates meanwhile views Mingei as symbolizing the reconsideration of cultural value, and endeavors to fuse it with Black culture, through his “Afro-Mingei” concept.
The first part of the symposium will contemplate the meaning that Mingei brings to our daily lives, and to society, from the perspectives of industrial art-craft, design, and contemporary art, and the second will examine types of expression not previously associated with Mingei, such as African crafts, and discuss the interpretive possibilities of Mingei in contemporary settings.

[Part 1]
Hanai Hisaho (Chief Researcher, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo)
Fukasawa Naoto (Director, The Japan Folk Crafts Museum, Tokyo)
Kataoka Mami (Director, Mori Art Museum)

[Part 2]
Ogawa Hiroshi (President, TOKYO KANKAN Co., Ltd)
Sagi Tamae (Curator, Kawai Kanjiro Memorial Museum, Kyoto)
Nakamura Yuta (Artist)
Tokuyama Hirokazu (Associate Curator, Mori Art Museum)

Organizer: Mori Art Museum

■■■ お申込み後のキャンセル及び返金は承っておりませんのでご注意ください。/Please note that we do not accept cancellation and refund after application. ■■■

お支払い方法/Method of payment


Credit card, PayPal.
* We do not accept cancellation and refund after application.
* Credit card will be handled by VISA, MASTER, JCB.
* The payment method is only "one-time payment." ("Revolving payment" "installment payment" etc. can not be used)



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Event Starts

Start Date:2024/05/11(Sat) 17:00

End Date:2024/05/11(Sat) 20:00

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東京都 港区六本木六本木ヒルズ森タワー 6丁目10番1号 六本木ヒルズ森タワー49F

Organizer information

森美術館 Mori Art Museum

Presenting major, curated exhibitions showcasing global trends in contemporary art, with a cutting-edge, international focus, as well as works from the Museum’s own collection, video screenings and so on. Experience a diverse range of contemporary art from around the world, with a special emphasis on Asia.