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Future Food Circle vol.5: China’s agri-food tech opportunity unleashed

2020/12/11(金) 17:00 ~ 19:00 (JST)


[主催] SIGMAXYZ & Future Food Insitute

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About Future Food Circle Vol.5

イタリア発のグローバル・フードイノベーション推進組織Future Food Instituteと、日本初のフードテックカンファレンスSmart Kitchen Summit Japanを主催するシグマクシスが、世界各地のフードイノベーターたちと知見やヴィジョンを共有し、共にアクションを起こしていくことを目的に発足したコミュニティイベント Future Food Circle
vol.5となる今回は、中国市場に焦点を当てたアグリフードテックベンチャーキャピタルファンドであるBits X Bitesの創設者兼マネージングディレクターのMatilda Ho氏を迎えて、投資を通じた食品生産・加工・配送におけるイノベーションの起こし方について話し合います。

Bits xBitesは、フードシステムの課題に取り組み、中国市場を目指す世界各地のスタートアップスタートアップに投資する中国のベンチャーキャピタル。「より善い食の未来を形成する」をミッションとし、グローバルな課題可決のための新しいアイデアをもたらすべく起業家コミュニティへの様々な支援を行ってきました。これまでの投資先は、遺伝子編集で高性能作物を開発する企業、ヒヨコマメベースの機能性タンパク成分を生産する企業、費用対効果の高い非GMO培養肉生産を推進する企業などがあります。

Ho氏には、アグリ・フードの進化を目指すアジアのエコシステムの現況について、そしてスタートアップ・投資家・企業が協業する方法についてお話頂きます。日本企業との協業を模索しているプロジェクトの紹介もあります。Ho氏、Sara(Future Food Institue)、シグマクシスのメンバーに直接質問できるQAセッションもあります。このイベントで皆様とお会いできることを楽しみにしております!

Future Food Circle is a community event launched by Future Food Institute - a global ecosystem focused on sustainable food innovation and SIGMAXYZ - founder of Smart Kitchen Summit Japan, to share knowledge, insights and vision from food innovators the world and to take actions together.

For our fifth volume in this series, We are pleased to welcome Matilda Ho, founder and managing director of Bits X Bites - an agrifood tech venture capital fund focusing on the Chinese market. Bits x Bites invests across the food supply chain, from precision agriculture, crop and animal health to protein alternatives and nutrition. It backs both Chinese and international companies up to series B. To date, it has invested in startups that are advancing gene editing for high-performing crops, functional chickpea-based protein ingredients, as well as cost-efficient, non-GMO cell-based meat production without an actual animal. 

Matilda will discuss how technology will disrupt how our food is produced, processed, and delivered during our event. She will speak to the evolving agri-food tech ecosystem in Asia and how startups, investors, and corporations can work together to shape the future of good food. There are also introductions of projects that are looking for collaboration with Japanese companies. There will also be a Q&A session where you can speak directly with Matilda, Sara (Future Food Institue), and the SIGMAXYZ team. We look forward to connecting with you at this event!

Event details

【Event Title】Future Food Circle vol. 5: China’s agri-food tech opportunity unleashed
【Date】Dec 11, 2020
【Time】5-7pm (JST), 4-6pm (CST), 9-11am (CET)
【Language】English (partially in Japanese) 

Organized by Future Food Institute, Future Food Japan and SIGMAXYZ


  1. Introduction of Future Food Circle: by Chris Krause (FFI) and Akiko Okada(SIGMAXYZ)

  2. Self-Introduction*

  3. Insight Session: China’s agri-food tech opportunity unleashed 
    by Matilda Ho from Bits x Bites

  4. Deep-dive Discussion: How will China save the global food system?  
    with Matilda Ho, Sara Roversi (FFI) and Akiko Okada(SIGMAXYZ)

  5. Q & A session



Matilda Ho
Bits x Bites 創業者・マネージングディレクター
Yimishiji 創業者・CEO

Founder and Managing Director, Bits x Bites
Founder and CEO, Yimishiji

フードシステムの課題に取り組む国内外のスタートアップに投資する中国のベンチャーキャピタル、Bits xBitesの創設者兼マネージングディレクターでもある。「おいしい料理の未来を形作る」をミッションとするBits x Bitesは、グローバルな課題可決のための新しいアイデアをもたらすべく起業家コミュニティへの支援を行う。

Matilda Ho is a serial entrepreneur and investor driving to create more sustainable food systems. She is the founder and managing director of Bits x Bites, China’s pioneer food-tech venture capital investing in startups tackling global food system challenges.

With a mission to shape the future of good food, Bits x Bites is a big step forward to inspire and support the entrepreneurial community to bring new ideas to solve global issues. To date, it has invested in companies that are advancing gene editing for high-performing crops, functional chickpea-based protein ingredients, as well as a company advancing cost-efficient, non-GMO meat production directly from animal cells without an actual animal.

Besides Bits x Bites, Matilda has founded Yimishiji, a farm-to-table grocery e-commerce platform that has engineered food education and transparency into the entire supply chain and customer experience.

Sara Roversi
Future Food Institute / 創業者
Founder / Future Food Institute

この10年間では、教育プログラムとディスラプティブなイノベーション体験を通じて、創造性と意思を備える起業家育成に注力。持続可能かつ意義ある成長を実現する戦略的要素としてフードイノベーションを推進し、地球上の生命に進歩・発展をもたらすことを目的とする組織、Future Food Instituteの創業者兼ディレクターを務める。自身のミッションは教育、リサーチ、及びディスラプティブなイノベーション体験を通じて、創造性と意思を持つフードテック起業家を次のレベルへ導くことである。

Sara is an experienced entrepreneur, thought leader, and disrupter in the food ecosystem and security programs. As a seasoned growth expert, she works with globally recognized high-profile think tanks to set the sustainable food industry's agenda.
Described as a game-changer who knows how to apply radical change tactics for outstanding results, she has a flair for exploration and creative solutions.
She’s often a sparring partner of key decision-makers in business and government institutions.
For the last 10 years, Sara’s focused on inspiring and empowering creative and responsible food entrepreneurs through educational programs and disruptive innovation experiences.
She is the founder and director of Future Food: a for-purpose organization effecting evolving positive change in life on earth, promoting food innovation as a strategic element to achieve sustainable and impactful growth. Her mission is to take creative and responsible food entrepreneurs to the next level of achievement through education, research projects, and disruptive innovation experiences.

岡田 亜希子 Akiko Okada
インサイトスペシャリスト / 株式会社シグマクシス
SIGMAXYZ Inc. / Insight Specialist 

Research/Insight Specialist at Multi-Sided Platform Team at Sigmaxyz. Prior to Sigmaxyz, served as Knowledge Specialist for High Tech Sector in Research & Information Group at Global Leading Management Consulting Firm for 10 years. Pursuing the core essence of food, cooking, technology, and science in terms of the evolution of human-being and societies by utilizing her experienced research capabilities.
Aspiration: To find the essence, meaning, and new value of “food” for our lives and planet.


開始日時:2020/12/11(金) 17:00 (JST)

終了日時:2020/12/11(金) 19:00 (JST)





SIGMAXYZ & Future Food Insitute

参加者 (31)