
EventRegist Co., Ltd.

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Online Event

<無料配信>スタートアップの祭典「IVS2023 KYOTO」報告会 主催者に聞く狙いと成果 エンタメ社会学者の中山淳雄氏緊急登壇 スタートアップ・大企業・投資家・行政などから参加者1万人超 クリプト関連拡充 国際化、一段と ◆日経イノベーション・ミートアップ◆ ※会場参加はありません

2023/08/04(Fri) 17:00 - 18:30

[Host] 日本経済新聞社(日経渋谷センター)


  • Contact the event organizer
  • Note: The information you enter here will be sent to the organizer in order to answer your inquiry.

  • Name

  • Email Address

  • Details of received inquiry

The personal information that you have provided will be used only for the purpose of responding to your inquiry.
Except in cases in which the relevant person has consented or cases based on laws or ordinances, the Company will not provide personal information to third parties.
In the event that the Company will consign all or a portion of the handling of personal information, it will conduct the necessary and appropriate supervision of the entrusted party, in order to strive for the safe management of the personal information for which handling has been commissioned.
The Company will receive requests for things such as disclosure of personal information subject to disclosure that is possessed by the Company (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or discontinuation of use or provision).
For Procedures for requesting dislosure, etc., please contact the desk for complaints and consultations concerning personal information listed below.
Provision of personal information is optional. However, we may not reply your inquiry if the personal information is not correct.
This website uese cokkies for statistical research but we do not use cookies to collect/use any personally identifiable information.

Supervisor of personal information

Kenichi Kaeriyama, Representative Director of EventRegist Co., Ltd.

Desk for complaints and consultations concerning personal information

EventRegist Co., Ltd. complaint and consultation desk
Business hours: 10:00 - 18:00
* On Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, the end of the year through the New Year holiday, and during the Golden Week period, responses will be made on or after the following business day.