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Nikkei Virtual Global Forum/WOMEN IN INNOVATION for Empowerment March 1, 2021

2021/03/01(Mon) 14:00 -

オンライン / Online

[Host] 日本経済新聞社 / Nikkei Inc.

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    • 05/04/2021(Mon) 09:56 am (JST) updated
Nikkei Virtual Global Forum/WOMEN IN INNOVATION for Wellness April. 8

(English version follows)

 本メールは「Nikkei Virtual Global Forum/WOMEN IN INNOVATION」の「エンパワーメント回」にご参加いただいた方々に、シリーズ最終回「ウェルネス」の4月8日(木)開催の最終ご案内です。

本フォーラムでは、これまで「リーダーシップ」「ダイバーシティ」「エンパワーメント」をテーマに約1時間のウェビナーをお届けしてまいりました。最終回となる今回のテーマはウェルネスに焦点を置き、「ハイパフォーマンスで生き抜くための体と心の栄養学」と題し、オーストラリア生まれの栄養コンサルタント、エリカ・アンギャルさんをお招きしてお話しをお伺いします。聞き手は日経ヘルス 副編集長の西山裕子さんです。



◇日時:4月8日(木)20:00~21:00 (JST)

西山 裕子氏 (日経BP 日経ヘルス副編集長)
This email is being sent to those who registered for “Nikkei Virtual Global Forum/Women in Innovation.”
In this forum, we have been delivering one-hour webinars on the themes of "Leadership," "Diversity" and “Empowerment.” The theme for this final session is "Nutrition for body and mind to survive with high performance," focusing on "Wellness" which will be delivered by Erica Angyal, a health consultant from Australia. Navigator is Yuko Nishiyama, the editor of Nikkei Health, the monthly magazine featuring a great variety of healthcare themes published by Nikkei Business Publications.

There will be plenty of helpful tips to maintain your physical and mental health in this session.
This is the final call for registration, so please register soon to avoid disappointment.
Date: Thursday, April 8 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm  (JST)

Erica Angyal, health consultant
Yuko Nishiyama,  Editor of Nikkei Health, Nikkei Business Publications Inc.

*If you have already registered, please disregard this email.
 We look forward to having you at the seminar.
Nikkei Virtual Global Forum - WiI 事務局
Nikkei Virtual Global Forum - WiI Secretariat

Event Description

日経バーチャル・グローバルフォーラム Women in Innovation (WiI) 女性リーダーが見るポストコロナ時代 新しい働き方・生き方
Nikkei Virtual Global Forum (NVGF) Women in Innovation (WiI) New ways of living and working in a post-corona world

NVGF WiI is a series of four webinars focusing on the following four themes:

  1. リーダーシップ Leadership
  2. ダイバーシティ Diversity
  3. ウェルネス Wellness
  4. エンパワーメント Empowerment
   The order of streaming release may change.

We will discuss “Empowerment” in this session entitled “Empowerment Through Transformation."

For the rest of three sessions on leadership, diversity and wellness, separate registrations are necessary.
Please refer to “Nikkei Event & Seminar” website for the latest information.

人の移動が大幅に制約され、他国と比べて「対面」や「集会」「現場」「出勤」を重視してきた日本の職場の風景や慣行、コミュニケーションが大きく変化を迫られてい ます。
働き方に伴って生活スタイルが変わり、 仕事への認識や価値観を新たにする人が増えたほか 、

The Covid-19 pandemic brought tremendous change to the daily lives of people across the globe. Out of the blue, commuters found themselves having to work from home, and for some the loss of face-to-face meetings and even informal conversations that were vital to their work posed a huge challenge. The sudden reliance on remote working and virtual communication has prompted many to review their values, reconsider their careers, and seek to redefine their work-life balance.  As our homes became our places of work and lockdowns kept us indoors, other issues such as the division of household labor and intrafamily relations also came to the fore.

What impact will these changes have on the role of women at work and at home? Will the virus change our definition of success? How long will the effects last? Women leaders from around the world join us to discuss the changes brought on by coronavirus, and to tell us what they think the future holds for our careers and ways of life.


主催 / Organizer 日本経済新聞社 Nikkei Inc.
日時 / Date & Time 2021年3月1日(月) 14:00~15:00 Mon, March 1, 2021
2:00PM ~ 3:00PM (JST)
言語 / Language 日・英同時通訳 Japanese and English with simultaneous interpretation
場所 / Location オンライン Online
参加方法 / How to join 無料(事前登録制) Free (Registration needed)

登壇者紹介 | Speakers

 シェリー・ゴー 氏 / Shea Lih Goh
 フィリップ モリス ジャパン合同会社

 Philip Morris Japan


マレーシアの華僑の家庭に生まれ、豪国モナシュ大学にてマーケティングを専攻し、1993年にマレーシアのフィリップ モリス インターナショナル子会社であるゴッドフレイ フィリップス入社。会社のサポートの下、英国ハル大学よりMBAを取得し、以降、香港、中国、台湾、インドネシアなどアジア各国におけるフィリップ モリス傘下企業にてマーケティングならびにセールス部門でキャリアを築き、2016年より紙巻たばこに比べてリスクを低減させる可能性のある「煙のない」加熱式たばこ製品のアジアにおける責任者を務め、2018年1月より現職に就任、加熱式カテゴリーの日本に拡大と成長を担っている。シェリー・ゴーはまた、フィリップ モリス インターナショナルの日本法人では初の女性社長でもあり、多様性とインクルージョンを雇用・人事面で推進し、様々なバックグラウンドを持つ社員の個性尊重し、大きな転換期にある会社の変革を進めるためのイノベーションの源泉としている。

Born and raised in Malaysia, Shea Lih entered Philip Morris' Malaysian affiliate Godfrey Philips in 1993 after graduating from Monash University, Australia (United Kingdom Bachelor of Business, Major in Marketing). With the company's support, she obtained her MBA (Business Administration) from University of Hull. She has built her career mainly in the fields of marketing and sales at various Philip Morris subsidiaries in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and Indonesia. In 2016, she started to lead the Reduced-Risk Products section in Asia, handling "Smoke Free" products, which have the potential to reduce risk compared to cigarettes. She has assumed the current position in January 2018, driving the company-wide transformation to grow the Heat-Not-Burn segment's growth. Shea Lih is also a bellwether of diversity and inclusion, becoming Philip Morris Japan's first female President, and empowering many both inside and outside of the company in order to drive innovation for a company undergoing a drastic transformation.

 小林 いずみ 氏 / Izumi Kobayashi
 ANAホールディングス株式会社 社外取締役
 三井物産株式会社 社外取締役
 株式会社みずほフィナンシャルグループ 社外取締役
 オムロン株式会社 社外取締役

 Director, Member of the Board 
 ANA Holdings, Inc. / Mitsui & Co., Ltd. 
 Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. / OMRON Corporation


Izumi Kobayashi was in the position of CEO and Executive Vice President of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA, the political risk insurance arm of the World Bank Group) from 2008 to 2013.
Kobayashi participated MIGA from Merrill Lynch in Tokyo where she was president and Representative Director. She joined Merrill Lynch in 1985 and subsequently held a number of high level global leadership roles.
From 2013, she engages various private and public organization as an advisor or an independent director.
She also served The Osaka Securities Exchange as a Non-Executive Board Member from 2002 to 2008. From 2006 to 2008 and from 2015 to 2019 April she took the role as a Vice Chairman of Keizai Doyukai.

 [ナビゲーター / Navigator]
 村上 由美子 氏 / Yumiko Murakami

 OECD東京センター 所長
 Head of OECD Tokyo Centre  



Since Yumiko joined OECD in 2013 as the head of OECD Tokyo Centre, she has been at the forefront of policy discussions between OECD and governments, businesses and academia in Japan and Asia, covering a wide range of economic policy issues. She has been leading discussions with various stake holders in Japan and Asia, particularly in the areas of Corporate Governance, tax guidelines, gender diversity, education, international trade and innovation. Prior to joining the OECD, Yumiko held a number of leadership positions as a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse. Yumiko has diverse professional experiences, ranging from banking in New York and London to UN Peace Keep Operations in Cambodia. Yumiko has an MBA from Harvard University, MA from Stanford University and BA from Sophia University. She sits on the Japan Advisory Board of Harvard Business School as well as several advisory committees of the Japanese Government. She is the author of a bestseller book, “Turning Demographic Challenges into Economic Opportunities”. (Japanese only) Ranked #1 at Amazon Japan, economics category.

オンライン視聴方法 / How to join the webinar

We will inform you how to join the webinar by e-mail by the day before this webinar.
The URL will also shown on your "My Tickets" by the day of the webinar.  Please check your certain ticket page from "My Tickets"

 ●Google Chrome 83 (PC Version)
 ●Google Chrome 16 or newer (PC)  / Firefox 11 or newer (PC)  / Safari 7 or newer (Mac) / Microsoft Edge 12 or newer (PC) / Opera 12.1 or newer (PC)

お問合せ先 | Contact 

Nikkei Virtual Global Forum - WiI 事務局


Event Starts

Start Date:2021/03/01(Mon) 14:00


オンライン / Online

Organizer information

日本経済新聞社 / Nikkei Inc.

お問合せ先 | Contact 

Nikkei Virtual Global Forum - WiI 事務局