Plug and Play Japanでは、今回ロボティクスに特化したスタートアップをスピーカーとして招待し、世界のロボティクストレンド、様々なロボティクス技術の違い、産業用・家庭用などどのようなシーンでどの技術が活用されているのか、について学ぶTechnology Bootcampを開催いたします。また、スピーカースタートアップが特に強みとするハプティクス(皮膚感覚フィードバックを得るテクノロジー)の活用シーンについても触れます。
■開催場所:Plug and Play Shibuya by 東急不動産, AB会議室
ACCESS/MAP https://pnp-tokyu.net/#access
17:30 受付開始
18:00 イベントスタート、スタートアップによるプレゼンテーション
19:00 Q&Aセッション
19:20 名刺交換、ネットワーキングタイム
20:00 終了
企業名:XELA Robotics
Dr. Alexander Schmitz
CTO at XELA Robotics
Alexander Schmitz is one of the founders of XELA Robotics, which he established with his partners in August 2018. He has been developing tactile sensors, both hardware and software, for more than 13 years, which is part of his broader work on human-collaborative robots.
He received his master's degree with honors from the University of Vienna, Austria, in 2007, and PhD degree from the University of Sheffield, England in 2011. He performed his PhD research as part of a joint location program with the Italian Institute of Technology, Italy. Currently, in addition to working at XELA Robotics, he is an Associate Professor in Waseda University, Japan.
He received numerous grants, including a grant of 117 million JPY from the JST START Program (Program for Creating STart-ups from Advanced Research and Technology) and support from the NEDO Entrepreneurs Program (NEP).
He has been featured in various magazines and news articles, including an article in the magazine Science about his experience as an entrepeneur. He has authored more than 100 research articles, including the world’s first research article about using deep learning for tactile sensing. He has received numerous awards for his work, such as the FANUC FA Foundation Award 2017.
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