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    • Programmatic Chaos


    • ¥30,000
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VIP ディナースポンサー

VIP dinner sponsor

セミナー スポンサー

Seminar sponsors

ネットワーキング パーティー スポンサー

Network reception sponsor
24/7 Media


Registration area sponsor


Coffee break sponsor

ネックホルダー スポンサー

Lanyard sponsor
DG Peer39

アジェンダ / Agenda

Programmatic Chaos

7月17日 12:00 ~ 17:30、ウェスティンホテル東京「楓」の間


受付 / Registration Open


ご挨拶 / Welcome

Maxifier 社長、デニース・カレラ / Denise Colella, President, Maxifier

キーノート プレゼンテーション / Keynote presentation

プログラマティックの導入がパブリッシャーに与える影響 /
The impact programmatic is having on how publishers compete in today's market

Kirk McDonald, President, PubMatic

目的への適合性 – 自社事業に適したテクノロジーの選択 /
Fit for purpose – choosing the right technologies for your business

KAIZEN Platform Inc. Co-founder & CEO / 須藤 憲司 / Kenji Sudo


オンライン広告におけるブランディング指標の重要性の高まり /
The growing importance of branding metrics in online advertising

Moat プレジデント、アニク・ラフマン / Aniq Rahman, President, Moat

休憩 / Coffee Break


プログラマティックによって非保証型在庫の取引方法がいかに変化したか /
How programmatic has changed the way non-guaranteed inventory is traded

MediaMath 社 CEO、ジョー・ザワツキー / Joe Zawadzki, CEO, MediaMath

最適化が導く経済面および運用面のメリット /
Using optimization to deliver commercial and operational benefits across the business

Recruit Marketing Partners Co.,Ltd、リーダー、 アド・オプティマイゼーション推進室、江川絢也 /  Junya Ekawa, Head of Ad Operations

パネル ディスカッション / Panel discussion

プログラマティックの登場がオンライン広告にもたらすもの /
The rise of programmatic and what it means for online advertising.


イベント終了 / Event wrap up


ネットワーキング パーティー (「桜」の間) / Networking Reception (Sakura Room)

講演者 / Speakers

Maxifier プレジデント, デニス・カレラ

Denise Colella, President, Maxifier

Denise is Maxifier's President, and has a track record of growing fast emerging technology businesses, at both a global and revenue level.

Prior to Maxifier, Colella served as the CRO for AudienceScience where she led all of the company’s revenue producing operations in the US, Europe and Asia. Previously she was Vice President, International, at Right Media, a Yahoo! company, where she developed and executed on the company’s international expansion strategy for its advertising exchange. Denise has also held senior positions at multi-channel analytics platform, Blackfoot, Inc., leading transactional cooperative database company Abacus, and DoubleClick in Asia.

A seasoned global traveler who is fluent in Japanese, Colella has worked in the US, Asia and Europe. She received a Bachelors degree in Commerce, Finance and International Management from Villanova University and a Masters of Computer Systems Management from the University of Maryland.

PubMatic プレジデント、カーク・マクドナルド

Kirk McDonald, President, PubMatic

Kirk McDonald joined PubMatic in October 2011, bringing more than two decades of experience across a range of premier media brands including Time Inc., CNET, Ziff Davis and Conde Nast. As President of the company, Kirk is driving the next stage of PubMatic's growth.

Before joining PubMatic, Kirk was President of Digital at Time Inc, where he brought together the company's digital assets to deliver audience and brand solutions to clients. Prior to Time Digital, he was CEO of the Fortune|Money Group, where he oversaw worldwide advertising sales and integrated marketing. Prior to his leadership position at Fortune|Money, Kirk was Senior Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Client Services for DRIVEpm and Atlas, which were both key units of Microsoft's advertising business. In addition, Kirk spent nine years at CNET, where he was the Senior Vice President of network sales, and developed hugely successful strategic partnerships with the top tier of technology marketers.

Kirk serves on several professional and not-for-profit boards and is the Chairman of a small not-for-profit, Camp Interactive, which empowers inner city youth through the inspiration of the outdoors and the creative power of technology.

MediaMath CEO、ジョー・ザワツキー

Joe Zawadzki, CEO, MediaMath

Joe Zawadzki is a respected pioneer in the online marketing industry, known especially for establishing the demand-side platform sector. With his deep experience in audience targeting and optimization, ad networks and exchanges, and real-time bidding, Joe is regularly invited to speak at industry conferences, roundtables and major events. He founded MediaMath in 2007, launching a technological revolution with the company’s pioneering marketing OS, TerminalOne, the first DSP.

Previously, Joe was founder, president and chairman of Poindexter Systems /[x+1], incubated Right Media, and as managing member of Occam’s Razor, shaped AOL’s yield management and DoubleClick’s buy-side optimization strategy.

His early career was spent as an investment banker, where he developed his expertise in quantitative analysis and market dynamics, and he remains an active New York technology investor whose portfolio includes AppNexus, AdSafe, 33Across, C3Metrics, Hashable, Accordant and Spruce Media.

Joe holds several patents in the area of online methods for dynamic segmentation and content presentation. He is a graduate of Harvard University and was a Teaching Fellow in cosmology, set theory and the history of science.

He has an extensive resume of high-profile speaking and writing engagements including the DMA, ad:tech, MediaPost, ClickZ, AdMap, OMMA, Jordan Edminson, GCA Savvian, Gridley Conference, UBS, SeedStart and others.

Evidon 提携担当上級副社長、アーロン・レッシャー

Aaron Letscher, SVP, Partnerships, Evidon

Aaron leads global partnerships and corporate development for Evidon. He is responsible for Evidon's partnerships and integrations with all companies in the digital marketing ecosystem, as well as working on strategic opportunities.
Prior to Evidon, Aaron worked as an independent consultant helping online advertising technology companies with sales, business development, and go to market strategies. Aaron was part of the founding team of Right Media, joining the company at inception in 2003 and leading sales and business development efforts for the Right Media Exchange through its acquisition by Yahoo! in 2007.
Aaron has 13+ years of experience in digital marketing and advertising technology, also leading various business development initiatives while at Inadco, Yahoo!, and DoubleClick.

MOAT President プレジデント、アニク・ラフマン

Aniq Rahman, President, MOAT

Moat is an analytics and intelligence company focused on digital advertising. Moat develops technologies to help brand advertisers and publishers evaluate and optimize digital advertising.

Prior to Moat, Aniq was CEO of Instinctiv (acquired by SoundCloud), a venture backed technology company which produced desktop and mobile multimedia software.

Aniq actively advises and invests in technology companies in New York and was an early part of the team at Behance (acquired by Adobe). He is based in New York City and studied Computer Science at Cornell University before going on to pursue entrepreneurship.

KAIZEN Platform Inc. Co-founder & CEO / 須藤 憲司

Kenji Sudo , Co-founder & CEO, KAIZEN Platform Inc.

A multi-award winning online professional, Kenji Sudo has owned and managed three start-up companies and is Co-founder and CEO of KAIZEN Platform Inc., a Japanese Agency Trading Desk just launched this year.

Prior to setting up KAIZEN Platform, Mr Sudo worked for 10 years at Recruit, the leading magazine, internet service and event business providing information on a wide range of sectors including Recruitment, Housing and Real estate, Travel & Hotel Booking and Bridal & Wedding. Most recently he was Corporate Officer at Recruit Marketing Partners where he was involved in partnerships with ad technology businesses. At Recruit Co. he was the youngest executive in the Group when he was appointed Head of the Ad Optimization group, leading the group to become a profit center for the business. He also worked for the Business Development Group, developing the company’s Area search engine and an Area targeting tool for advertising, as well as the Marketing Group where he achieved double digit growth in a declining market.

PubMatic EMEA APAC ヴァイス・プレジデント、マネジング・ディレクター、ロブ・ジョナス

Rob Jonas, Vice President and Managing Director of EMEA and APAC, PubMatic

Rob is responsible for leading PubMatic‘s global expansion and sales efforts in EMEA and APAC. He brings to PubMatic over 15 years of experience developing revenues for high-growth technology companies in the EMEA, North America and the Asia-Pacific regions. Rob spent his last three years as Vice President and Managing Director, EMEA, at InMobi, a mobile ad network, where he grew the business to become a market leading, multi-million dollar company employing over 100 people across seven offices.

He joined InMobi from Google’s London office, where he was Director, Strategic Partnerships in EMEA. Rob also worked at Yahoo! Europe, which he joined through their acquisition of Overture Services Limited. During his time at Overture, he contributed to its global expansion across 10 countries.

Based in PubMatic’s London office, Rob is an active seed investor and board advisor, as well as mentor with the London-based Seedcamp.

Recruit Marketing Partners Co.,Ltd、リーダー、
アド・オプティマイゼーション推進室、 江川絢也

Junya Ekawa, Head of Ad Operations, Recruit Marketing Partners Co.,Ltd

After joining Recruit in 2007, Mr. Ekawa first worked in sales and media planning for the new graduate recruiting business. He subsequently moved to R&D where he focused on analysing site traffic information across its 1 billion monthly page views to efficiently generate group traffic to Recruit’s 24 million unique users. In 2011, he joined the Ad Optimization group as the leader in product development, overseeing all operations in advertising technology services.


Eoin Townsend, Chief Strategy Officer, MediaMath

Eoin is MediaMath's Chief Strategy Officer, leading Strategy as well as Business, Corporate and Partner/Publisher Development.

For the last 15 years Eoin has been a leader in developing and executing visionary business strategies resulting in multiple success stories including DoubleClick, ChannelAdvisor, Epsilon, and DoubleVerify.

He started his online career as an early employee of FloNetwork that became the leading email marketing platform with brands and publishers. He supported both the strategic investment by CNET Networks and the eventual sale and integration with DoubleClick.

As a member of the DoubleClick team, Eoin managed Asia Operations and Strategy in Hong Kong, was promoted to the Regional Director of Japan and led international product in London, England. He was a critical member of the team that sold the DoubleClick marketing automation divisions and helped manage their integrations. After the Epsilon acquisition of DoubleClick marketing, he managed their strategic partnership team and helped form their online marketing division.

Most recently, Eoin managed strategy and business development for DoubleVerify, where he was part of the team that successfully secured the series C funding of 33 million dollars from JMI and IVP, and created its partnership team and business development organization.


Matt Barash, Consultant

Matt Barash is an advertising veteran with over 14 years of experience working for some of the biggest brands in media and technology.

Most recently, Matt held the role of Head of Business Development at SessionM, where he was responsible for the growth of the company's mobile publisher/developer partnerships.

Prior to SessionM, Matt served as Vice President of Audience Advertising & Monetization at Forbes where he was focused on the cultivation and revenue management of a new business unit to leverage real time bidding, data management and ad tech partnerships to create an innovative suite of ad products to bring to market.

Matt served as an integral part of the original team to architect and scale the third party ad network business at Fox Interactive Media (Fox Audience Network) where he and his team assembled and managed the supply business by assembling a portfolio of more than 800 publishers.

 Matt has extensive third party ad network experience at both Traffic Marketplace and 24/7 Real Media, where he worked in various business development capacities on data, technology and strategic publisher partnerships, is an active member of the IAB and can frequently be found speaking his mind on panels and in print via a variety of digital media industry outlets.

Before entering the digital world, Matt held sales and strategy roles in both broadcast and print media at Discovery Communications, ESPN/ABC Sports, Conde Nast and the Smithsonian.

Matt received his BA in Communication Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is a member of the advisory board at Optim.al and Adaptive Media.



開始日時:2013/07/17(水) 12:00 (JST)

終了日時:2013/07/17(水) 17:30 (JST)



The Westin Tokyo

1-4-1 Mita, Meguro-ku

