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Heian Shrine (京都府)
Advance Sale: \4,000 At the Gate: \5,000 Advance Sale for Students: \3,000
Group Discount Tickets (over 15 people): \3,600 per ticket
Heian Shrine (Kyoto)
Kyoto City is again preparing for the Annual Takigi-Noh perfomance
at Heian Shraine on June1-2,2019. It is hoped that the following informaiton about the history of Takigi-noh,and this year's schedile and program,will help to make t...
Kyoto City is again preparing for the Annual Takigi-Noh performance at Heian Shrine on June 1—2, 2018. It is hoped that the following information about the history of Takigi-noh, and this year’s schedule and program, will help to make th...
Noh: Hashi Benkei (Kongo School of Noh)
The story of Ushiwaka-maru, as Minamoto no Yoshitsune was called in his childhood.
6:30 p.m. Fire Lighting Ceremony and Address by the Mayor
Noh: Eboshi-ori (Kanze School of Noh)
The story ...