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Morning Pitch Singapore Tour – EdTech

2020/02/07(金) 09:45 ~ 12:00 (GMT+08:00)

SGInnovate (32 Carpenter St, Singapore, 059911, Singapore)

[主催] Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support

お申し込みはこちら チケットの申込方法

    • 種類
    • 金額(税込)
    • 枚数
    • Morning Pitch Singapore Tour ご参加枠


    • ¥100,000
    • -


現在、海外にて実施しているMorningPitchへ日本の大企業の海外担当者をご案内するツアーとなります。MorningPitch Singaporeへのご参加はもちろん、その前後の日程で現地のスタートアップエコシステムに関わるプレイヤーとの面談を設定させて頂きます。

Morning Pitch is a platform hosted by Deloitte. This platform helps start-ups form business alliances and partnerships with large corporations, corporate venture capital and venture capital firms. The theme of each Morning Pitch is defined in advance and changes monthly.

Morning Pitch is organized by Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support. The event originates from Japan where it has served as a similar platform for over four years, resulting in M&A’s and IPO’s.


Gnowbe is a mobile 1st, web-enabled, micro-learning solution designed specifically for behaviour change that delivers business impact. It aspires to revolutionise corporate education through transformational learning - available anytime, anywhere.

The solution is built on the latest research and science on how adults learn: not by passive listening but through application and reflection. Gnowbe leverages bite-sized, social learning (chats and messaging) and gamification to encourage active engagement and inspire behavior change. It is designed for the modern learner who needs relevant, new content when they want it, when they need it - right in their pockets. 

Playware Studios is a Singapore based technology company specialising in games for learning. The company creates both software and hardware products, integrating the two for some projects. With its partnerships with national departments such as Singapore's Ministry of Education and New South Wales Department of Education (Australia), the company has moved increasingly into the education technology space; gaining recognition by industry partners as a major player in bringing 'play into every classroom'​ on a global scale.


At Saturday Kids, students don't just learn to code. They code to learn.
Since 2012, Satruday Kids have taught over 3,000 students how to learn through classes in programming, electronics, digital art and design thinking.
Their mission is to use digital literacy classes to transform kids into self-motivated learners who are curious, inventive & resourceful.

Tueetor is the world's first, fully automated learner-trainer matching platform, an online marketplace leveraging on location-based technology. It lowers the costs and know-how involved in the broadcasting of one’s education needs and offers. 
Tueetor is for all learners and trainers, students, teachers, tutors and instructors. The aim is to create a more affordable, accessible and inclusive education climate. Other than the typical academic subjects, users who are interested in teaching or learning other skills - a language, any sport, an instrument, a specific genre of dance, utility of a software, education support for special needs children - can find a connection through Tueetor.

Event Partners:

SGInnovate is focused on enabling the entrepreneurial potential of ambitious men and women based in Singapore who believe they can build a startup. With an emphasis on science and technology, SGInnovate brings together partners from the private sector, institutes of higher learning, and research organizations as part of Singapore’s broader ecosystem of innovation. Through this ecosystem, SGInnovate connects the bold and entrepreneurial with support for business-plan development, sources of funding, and go-to-market efforts.





開始日時:2020/02/07(金) 09:45 (GMT+08:00)

終了日時:2020/02/07(金) 12:00 (GMT+08:00)




32 Carpenter St, Singapore, 059911, Singapore


Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support

Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support is the largest private start-up ecosystem builder in Japan.